Cookies are files enabling our website to work correctly and improve its interactivity. Here is a list of cookies used on this website:
In compliance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), you have the possibility of authorising or forbidding cookies. Acceptance or refusal of cookies is proposed to you on your first visit to our website. Acceptance of the cookies is indicated by clicking on “OK, accept all” in the information banner or by continuing to browse on the website. You can change your choice at any time via the cookies administrator available on the website.
Personal data are used solely for the following purposes:
Lawfulness of the use of the data: consent for the data processing is obtained for each purpose in compliance with the GDPR (articles 6 and 7 of the GDPR):
The data collected via the contact form are only used for the administration of your request, based on the legitimate interest of the processing controller (article 6 of the GDPR + considering 47).
Only certain members of our staff have access to the personal data collected via this website. This information is exclusively destined to our company, it is neither sold nor transmitted to third parties.
The personal data collected via the forms are not stored for longer than is strictly necessary for the above-stated purposes. The data are stored for 3 years as from the end of the commercial relationship. The cookies for audience ratings, advertising and re-marketing are stored for 13 months.
Your personal data are transmitted in a secure manner to Canada (to our web host partner Voloper) and the USA (Constant Contact e-mailing platform) who both provide levels of protection recognised as adequate by the European Union.
The GDPR provides for several rights which you may exercise concerning the use of your personal data:
To exercise your rights over the processing of personal data that we managed, you may contact us via the following form: